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Trademark and symbol


Trademark and symbol:

"Fast has both English and Chinese trademarks.

The Chinese symbol of "法士特" is:

” represents rules and integrity, interpreted as legal business, honest service, the rule of law, compliance with domestic and international trade laws. 

” implies responsibility and hard work, interpreted as all staff like soldiers, unity, absolute obedience, dare to fight, can fight hard.

”reflects the unique and outstanding, interpreted as developing products with its own characteristics, establishing a distinctive management system, and shaping a unique corporate culture.

"FAST" originally means fast, reliable and firm. It implies that the company can develop and grow rapidly and smoothly, which is in line with the overall strategy of "leapfrog high-speed development" and fully reflects the determination and confidence of the enterprise to participate in the international market competition.

扬州市| 遂川县| 镇康县| 甘孜| 天水市| 榆社县| 寻乌县| 平山县| 丹东市| 绥江县| 扶风县| 德令哈市| 望城县| 昌江| 禹城市| 咸宁市| 邮箱| 襄垣县| 洛浦县| 商水县| 水城县| 都安| 比如县| 兴国县| 武穴市| 邹城市| 噶尔县| 呼伦贝尔市| 明水县| 峨山| 九寨沟县| 长治市| 同仁县| 湄潭县| 随州市| 保靖县| 梅州市| 郑州市| 大连市| 定襄县| 突泉县|